The LightWave Mailing List Contest
Hall of Fame

June 1996 - Cartoons

1st Place

"Cel Flood"
by Nicolai Grut
FeedBack Video & Animation

My contest entry entitled "cel flood" was created in 3 parts. First the scene on the cel was set up. The room is modeled on the room I am sitting in right now. The wall texture was created in Lightwave and processed in Image FX on an Amiga 2000.The characters were modeled in Modeler beginning with a subdivided rectangle. I added arms, legs and hands using beveling and the whole thing was metaphormed. Each character has 8 bones which were used to pose them.

Once the first scene was set up it was rendered in 3m30s on a Raptor 3. This image was converted to Line-art in ImageFX and printed in B&W.

I then traced/sketched it in pencil on paper. This sketch was lined up with the original and then digitised. I then drew a matte and composited the render and the drawing so that the rendering would wash away to reveal the sketch underneath. This then became the image on the cel.

The final scene consists of the cel on the peg bar, the tipped over water glass with puddle and ice cubes, an ink bottle and paintbrush. Other objects were added (ligyts, windows etc) out of camera sight to be reflected in the glass and ice. This was rendered with trace reflection, shadows and refraction all turned on. It took 1 hour and 56 minutes on a Raptor 3.

2nd Place

"Attack of the Killer 3D Toons"
by Ace Miles

With a very few exceptions, the characters were created entirely with MetaNURBs.

There are no texture maps, all details are polys (didn't have time to texture).

Yes, all of the characters' heads and bods started with a box.

The scene contains just under 70,000 polygons.

3rd Place

by Walter Wimberly


I'd like to add my entry..."Finished". For that was my thought when it was done. Finished!

It was set up in two parts...first the image which is the cell drawing was modeled in using mainly boxes and Booleaning them together with cylinders. (The "aircraft" was two cylinders and a sphere.) Then rendered in LW 5.0 using a cell plug-in. That scene took 31 minutes to render. That was then image mapped to the model of "paper" after which I created the rest of the scene, and reused some of the same models here and there. The only thing not done in LW was when I made an image map for the building in Photoshop, and the conversion to JPEG in photoshop.

Everything else was done in Lightwave 5.0. At only 5 hours, 3 minutes 39 seconds on my P100 with 48 megs of RAM. Settings: 800x600, Medium AA, 30 objects, 15 lights



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